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26 apr

Mingla med Wift i Cannes

april 26, 2015 | By | No Comments

Ska du till Cannes i maj? WIFT UK bjuder in alla internationella medlemmar till en exklusiv drink måndagen 18 maj. osa senast 11 maj.

Läs hela inbjudan här:

Dear All,

Women in Film and Television UK (WFTV UK) would like to invite all international members to join us at the WOMEN IN FILM AND TELEVISION INTERNATIONAL DRINKS RECEPTION AT THE CANNES FILM FESTIVAL ON MONDAY 18TH MAY 2015, 18:30 – 20:00.

We are most grateful for the support of WIFTI and we hope to see as many of you as possible at this wonderful annual networking event. Full details and your invitation below:

This event is for all members of the ‘Women in Film and Television International’ chapters (WIFTI.) There are a limited number of ‘Non Member (Cannes Industry Delegates)’ tickets available and men are also welcome!

As this is always a “hot ticket” event, entry is strictly by guest list only. Please reserve your place by MONDAY 11 MAY 2015.

To register for this event, please click on this Eventbrite link, follow the instructions and choose the relevant Eventbrite ticket option:

Please note you must have Cannes Film Festival accreditation in order to attend this event. *

This event is kindly supported by Schedule 2 and Women in Film and Television International (WIFTI), and hosted by We Are UK Film Centre.

We hope to see you, and your chapter members, at the event!

*Women in Film & TV (UK) reserve the right to deny entry to this event.

Entry is not guaranteed.

Best wishes,

WFTV (UK) Team



Awards & Events Assistant


Women in Film & TV (UK) – The voice of women in creative media.